Friday, July 24, 2009

Love Songs - part 1

A Friday summer night and she is laying on her bed .. a perfect holiday night, where most of the people are having fun with their lovers, or partners trying to make the best out of this night either by a romantic night out, or a witty chatting over the mobile .. except her !

She is just as lonely as the loneliness... holding the TV remote control and rooming between the channels ans as usual nothing new !... again the same old drama.. love movies, romance here and there with zillions of love songs .. she always get touched by those songs " i feel some pain here in the chest .. no no .. here .. in the left side of my know where!!".

I always do some analysis for this situation to figure out why this pain ? why me ? and why do these tears come to my eyes each night !!!... i got everything but NOT everything ... fortunately now those tears stopped from falling, maybe they just don't want to leave my eyes to run over my face making many black rivers -because of the eyeliner of course- or maybe my tears just get fed up as well !

Every little song make me feel sad, depressed and missing that stupid thing called LOVE! and ohhh god if i keep listening to them ill feel more and more needy for HIM !

I said: " I will through every CD in the trash can ,, no more love songs .. no more pain"

-"Why what's wrong with love songs ? why you are blaming them ?. . it is not the song's fault that you still didn't find your own song !"

- " I know .. but it is over i hated them now, what to do ! any suggestions ? "

- " Plenty .. just move on with your life ... don't listen to any ... till HE come again and dedicate you a new love song "

- " I feel that i am too old for a LOVE SONG ! or HE just lost his way to me "

- " Never say old ... it is never too late ... and lost ! is that the TV show ! "

- "Not funny ... q. do you still believe that there is something called LOVE ?"

- " mmmm .. don't know ... but sure it is out there waiting for people like us "

- " Why we should go to it ... LOVE should come to us "

- " Well .. it will come if you open the door .. and create the space for it in your mind and life"

- " The space is already created .. but blind people like you cant not see it "...

.....and she closed the phone on his voice... and left him struggling with his thoughts ... what !!!

"She meant ME !"

Put your head against my life What do you hear
A million words just trying to make The love song of the year
Close your eyes but dont forget What you have heard
A man whos trying to say three words The words that make me scared
A million love songs later And here I am trying to tell you that I care
A million love songs later And here I am Looking to the future now
This is what I see A million chances pass me by
A million chances to hold you Take me back, take me back To where I used to be
To hide away from all my truth Through the light I see
A million love songs later And here I am trying to tell you that I care
A million love songs later And here I am. *

* " A million love songs by Take That "

Friday, July 17, 2009

Tagore : the great INDIAN poet

Born in 1861 , the one and the only Rabindranath Tagore, who was a poet, visual artist, playwright, novelist, educator, social reformer, nationalist, business-manager and composer . He was the first Asian who got NOBEL PRIZE in literature in 1913.

He is number 13 between his brothers and sisters , he started to write poems when he was 8 years old .. and in his 17 he traveled to London to study law at University Collage London but he didn't complete his studies and went back to India with empty hands.

He got married at 22 to a 10 years old girl and they got 2 boys and 3 girls. during his life he visited more than 30 countries, he provided humanity with almost 1000 poem, 25 play, and 2,230 song, plus thousands of paintings that he show some of them in exhibition in Paris.

Tagore's talents came to be regarded as overrated by several Westerners, none of whom had read his poetry in the original Bengali, but his words touched every one's soul ,,He passed away in year-1941 (age of 80 years) I picked some of his great poem form his famous book Gitanjali (translated to Arabic & English):

"My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union; they would come between thee and me; their jingling would drown thy whispers."
"My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music"
لقد جاء الحب.. وذهب
ترك الباب مفتوحا
ولكنه قال انه لن يعود
لم اعد أنتظر إلا ضيفاً واحداً
انتظره في سكون
سيأتي هذا الضيف يوماً
ليطفئ المصباح الباقي
ويأخذه في عربته المطهمة
بعيداً.. بعيدا..
في طريق لا بيوت فيه ولا أكواخ

تراه نداؤك الذي يوافي من جديد .؟
لقد أهلّ المساء ، وتشبث بي التعب كانه أذرع
الحب الضارعة . أتنادينني ؟
لقد منحتك نهاري كله ، يا سيدتي القاسية ، أتريدين
أن تنهبي مني ليلي أيضاً ؟ ومع هذا ، فإن لكل شيء
نهاية، وإن عزلة الظلام هي ملك كل إنسان . ولكن ،
أيجب على صوتك أن يمزقها ويلفحني ؟
أليس للمساء موسيقا نوم مهدهدة على بابك ؟
ألا تتسلق أجنحة النجوم الصامتة السماءَ فوق برجك
الجبار ؟
ألا يتهاوى الزهر على تراب حديقتك في ميتة ناعمة ؟
ألا يتعين عليك أيتها القلقة أن تناديني ؟
دعي عيون الحب الحزينة تسهر وتذرف الدمعَ دون
جدوى .
دعي المصباح يشتعل في الدار الموحشة .
دعي الزوارق ينقل الحراثين المكدودين إلى بيوتهم .
إنني أهجر أحلامي وألبي نداءَك .

Monday, July 13, 2009

Dedication to the KING of SWING


1915 – 1998

It may sound a bit wired to write about an american singer who had enjoyed the world for more than 70 years ! i may sound to you that am so into american life theme, am I !!

Seriously i could not prevent my self from writing about Sinatra ... cause he is one of those musicians who keep lightening our lives as soon as you put his records on ! he take you away with his creative melodies.

He lived in an era when people were really devoted and greedy for love and romance, and for me personally , every time i listen to his songs i imagine my self walking all the way @ 5th Avenue in NEW YORK ...NEW YORK.

How many time you "COME FLY WITH ME.. TAKE ME TO BERUT" ...and land me in " CHICAGO" ...

I remember "WHEN I WAS 17" and how the nights went by while i was listening to "STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT" and how much i was into you and how much " I GOT YOU UNDER MY SKIN" but ohh i was so young to be in love .. so i forgot .." THAT'S LIFE" !

Then in my maturity years i used to sang and still " LOVE IS ALL THAT I CAN GIVE TO YOU ... IT IS MORE THAN A GAME BETWEEN TWO !", though i thank god and his generosity when he gifted me and gave me you ...

I could not and still " CANT TAKE MY EYES OF YOU " from the night i saw you playing the guitar and "SINGING IN THE RAIN "

But as they says" FOOLS RUSH IN" so still foolishly in love with you !!

Sinatra, i believe that you had the "WORLD ON A STRING " as well as our hearts.

* caps words are the names of his famous songs .. for download purposes

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Couple of weeks a go I watched " HOME"

A documentary movie about our BIG HOME ,, EARTH!!

Earth was here in this universe for almost 4 Billion years, and we in 200,000 years here on earth, WE THE HUMANS disturb the balance !

Earth was quite, BALANCED , colored , WARM and COOL place to live in, and now after almost 60 years of discovering the OIL, scientists says : YES honestly OIL and CITY life ruined our HOME,the thing that makes many green people "like Al Gore" raise the issue and SHOUT out LOAD ! SAVE THE EARTH !

The documentary show us really beautiful rooms in our HOME , rooms that no one knocked their doors before … it was really like knocking on the HEAVN door.

"Subhan ALLAH" , unique footage from over 50 countries like " Iceland, Yellowstone National Park USA, UTAH USA, Brazil, Russia, Kenya, Nepal and more" which really shows how much "ALAH" was generous when he gifted us this piece of art which seems we doesn’t deserve it any more !

Scientists says that we HAVE ONLY 10 YEARS LEFT to save HOME, one of the scary facts says that "there could be 200 million climate refugees by 2050" !! which is really scares me especially that we are living in a VERY HOT, DUSTY place and we are standing still .. just watching !

Since we live in one of the MOST hottest room in the HOME, we should really take an ACTION, we keep Pulling and Emptying the earth from OIL and barry the sea and polluting the air with the care's gas, oil wastes and chemicals which really explain WHY our country witnessing THIS dramatically climate changing which raises sooo many red flags!

HOME, is a major event around the globe .. it is not just a MOVIE !

With the artistic touch of the genius HUMAN director YANN ARTHUS – BERTRAND and the beautiful chosen music by him which include instrument from countries like IRAN, Magnolia, and Armenia , really describe earth like a beautiful SYMPHONY,, cause he mixed the EYE with the EAR in this piece of heaven.

LET's do something even if it is SMALL, lets try ,, just try ,, to help even by very little effort to bring back the harmony , peace , SHANTI , سلام ,Beauty to our


بيتنا يناديكم .... ينشد عونكم

كيف يحمينا البيت .. ان تكسرت ابوابه ؟

وتشرعت نوافذه .. على مصراعيها

بدون الاعمدة لا تستقر الخيمة وبدون الاساسات .. يتهدم و يتصدع البيت

Try to change your way of living a bit …

Tomorrow ill tell you effective steps to be HOME friendly

May "ALLAH" protect HOME

الحافظ الله