Friday, July 17, 2009

Tagore : the great INDIAN poet

Born in 1861 , the one and the only Rabindranath Tagore, who was a poet, visual artist, playwright, novelist, educator, social reformer, nationalist, business-manager and composer . He was the first Asian who got NOBEL PRIZE in literature in 1913.

He is number 13 between his brothers and sisters , he started to write poems when he was 8 years old .. and in his 17 he traveled to London to study law at University Collage London but he didn't complete his studies and went back to India with empty hands.

He got married at 22 to a 10 years old girl and they got 2 boys and 3 girls. during his life he visited more than 30 countries, he provided humanity with almost 1000 poem, 25 play, and 2,230 song, plus thousands of paintings that he show some of them in exhibition in Paris.

Tagore's talents came to be regarded as overrated by several Westerners, none of whom had read his poetry in the original Bengali, but his words touched every one's soul ,,He passed away in year-1941 (age of 80 years) I picked some of his great poem form his famous book Gitanjali (translated to Arabic & English):

"My song has put off her adornments. She has no pride of dress and decoration. Ornaments would mar our union; they would come between thee and me; their jingling would drown thy whispers."
"My poet's vanity dies in shame before thy sight. O master poet, I have sat down at thy feet. Only let me make my life simple and straight, like a flute of reed for thee to fill with music"
لقد جاء الحب.. وذهب
ترك الباب مفتوحا
ولكنه قال انه لن يعود
لم اعد أنتظر إلا ضيفاً واحداً
انتظره في سكون
سيأتي هذا الضيف يوماً
ليطفئ المصباح الباقي
ويأخذه في عربته المطهمة
بعيداً.. بعيدا..
في طريق لا بيوت فيه ولا أكواخ

تراه نداؤك الذي يوافي من جديد .؟
لقد أهلّ المساء ، وتشبث بي التعب كانه أذرع
الحب الضارعة . أتنادينني ؟
لقد منحتك نهاري كله ، يا سيدتي القاسية ، أتريدين
أن تنهبي مني ليلي أيضاً ؟ ومع هذا ، فإن لكل شيء
نهاية، وإن عزلة الظلام هي ملك كل إنسان . ولكن ،
أيجب على صوتك أن يمزقها ويلفحني ؟
أليس للمساء موسيقا نوم مهدهدة على بابك ؟
ألا تتسلق أجنحة النجوم الصامتة السماءَ فوق برجك
الجبار ؟
ألا يتهاوى الزهر على تراب حديقتك في ميتة ناعمة ؟
ألا يتعين عليك أيتها القلقة أن تناديني ؟
دعي عيون الحب الحزينة تسهر وتذرف الدمعَ دون
جدوى .
دعي المصباح يشتعل في الدار الموحشة .
دعي الزوارق ينقل الحراثين المكدودين إلى بيوتهم .
إنني أهجر أحلامي وألبي نداءَك .